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Town of Princeton, Mass. – May 15, 2017 – 5 PM
Board of Selectmen – Regular Meeting Minutes  

Edith Morgan and Richard Bisk with Jon Fudeman absent, plus TA Nina Nazarian.

5 PM   The Board opened BOS meeting in Town Hall Annex. Nina outlined options concerning firms that do 3rd-party medical billing—for ambulance calls mainly. The current vendor, EMS, charges the town a flat rate, and the Fire Dept. has researched other forms with improved software and services that may increase the rate of collections. Board voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to send notice to EMS that the Town wishes to conclude its contract with EMS Billing Solutions, Inc. effective June 30, 2017 and to enter into a contract with Costal Medical Billing, Inc. beginning July 1, 2017. Costal will bill the town a percentage of collections.
        State law concerning filling the empty seat on a planning board dictates that the planning board members and selectmen must agree on a candidate and by roll call, fill the position until the next election. In order to also follow the Board of Selectmen’s procedures on filling a vacancy, the Board voted to post the vacancy on the Town’s website for a period of 3 weeks, requesting letters of interest. Planning Board meets May 17 and could subsequently forward a name to BOS. Both boards would vote after the three-week posting.
         Selectmen had received notice of a Wachusett Mountain Hill Climb on May 13 but didn’t have enough time to approve it (with conditions such as insurance, etc.) before the event took place. They voted all in favor to approve the event after the fact. They then voted all in favor to approve (with conditions) the Wachusett Mountain Road Race on May 27.
5:10 PM  A dog complaint on Houghton Road resulted in the Animal Control Officer Laura Pease drafting a list of conditions that must be followed by the Cote’s to avoid a dog hearing. The Perry family reported a dog bite which occurred on April 22, 2017 by Sherman. All parties (Cote’s, Perry’s and Town) would need to agree on the conditions to avoid a dog hearing. The document was reviewed, and the Board voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the referenced Agreement with the ability to make minor changes.
Selectmen then discussed changing the meeting time to a later hour, to accommodate the newest member as well as the residents who have voiced a preference for a more accessible “after work” timeframe for BOS meetings. Selectmen voted all in favor to change their meeting time to 7:30 PM starting on the May 27 meeting, to be altered as necessary.
        Bill Holder was in for the Road Advisory Committee to present a letter he drafted, on behalf of the town, to CMRPC regarding their extensive help over the years. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to sign the letter and send it along. They thanked the RAC members, especially Larry Greene, Sr., for all their dedicated efforts.
5:30 PM  Christopher Lund, who is currently an Assistant Building Inspector in the Town of Shrewsbury. Has met with Nina and Building Inspector Richard Breagy, and agree that Mr. Lund could competently and successfully serve as the Town of Princeton’s Alternate Building Inspector when Mr. Breagy is unavailable. The Board voted all in favor to appoint Christopher Lund to the position of Alternate Building Inspector effective May 15, 2017.
        There was discussion about the informal Building Study Group which has been working as citizen volunteers. The group is recommending that an official committee be created and draft a charge for a Facilities Steering Committee. Selectmen agreed to consider this at next meeting on May 22. Once a “charge” is adopted, selectmen can solicit new members for the steering committee.
        Phil Gransewicz asked about the election where there were write-in votes for the 5-member PBMLP board. The person receiving the most votes was not a registered voter so it may be considered a “failure to elect”. The Town Clerk prepared an email for Town Counsel and Nina has forwarded the information to Counsel for an opinion. An update will be noted as an election update on the next BOS agenda.
        Nina reported on Thursday, May 18th most town staff will attend CPR/AED training from 1 - 4 PM. This is provided by the Fire Department, and staff successfully completing the course will be CPR certified. Library staff and Nina have already participated in this training, Nina outlined working with our Town Counsel’s firm and Atty. Mullen regarding training on the Open Meeting Law and Public Records Law for all interested, possibly on one of the following evenings: Wed. June 7th, Thurs. June 8th, Wed. June 14th or Thurs. June 15th.
        Bagg Hall chimney repair bids are out and due May 30 at 2 PM. Fire Station 2 roof repair is completed and total cost was close to $115,000, which included design/engineering.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes from May 9 (ATM) and signed warrants FY’17-23.
        It was reported that 31 Prospect Street was deemed by the building inspector to be abandoned and should be considered unsafe; a Fire Dept. warning X-sign is justified.
6:10 PM  Richard B. moved and Edith M. seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21, Exemption Three – To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares.  In roll call Edith voted “Aye” and Richard voted “Aye.”

Separate Executive Session Minutes

7:09 PM         In Executive Session, the board voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Dog Agreement document; Road Advisory Committee/Bill Holder letter for CMRPC meeting; resume/application from Christopher Lund.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department